Cllr Pete West


BH2022/02492 – 47 Trafalgar Street


30th October 2022:


As a ward councillor for St Peter’s & North Laine Ward I wish to support the many objections being made to this application by neighbouring residents, businesses and The North Laine Community Association.


The application appears to contravene planning policy, and adversely impacts in terms of: overdevelopment, scale, height, overlooking, loss of daylight, sunlight and privacy. The appearance, which has been described quite fairly as “harsh” is out of keeping and will impact the conservation area, eroding the character of the area.


I can’t say I agree with the positive views expressed by CAG or that of the Heritage Team who feel the current development on the site detracts from the conservation area whereas the proposed would not. I have no great affection for the garage building, but two wrongs don’t make a right.


The change of use and construction will be disruptive to the neighbourhood, impacting foot and vehicle traffic in the narrow and busy thoroughfare of Trafalgar Street, which is a critical corridor to the station.


There is particular concern about the impact upon the Prince Albert, which is an important music venue in the city. The development not only shows no architectural respect to the listed building and its stunning appearance, but the change of use to include holiday lets, and presented as it is, risks future conflict over the established licensed activities from noise complaints.


This overbearing application is unwelcome, and the sensitivity and importance of the location deserves much better.